Hello fencers!
We have some great news for you: beginning Tuesday, September 8, LFC is opening for bouting again! We know everyone has been eager to get back to the strip, and we can’t wait to see you.
In order to minimize the number of people in club at once, we will have club open for practice in one weapon only per night. Club will be open from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. each night. The schedule for September will be as follows:
Mondays: Foil
Tuesdays: Epee
Wednesdays: Saber
Please continue to wear face masks, stay distanced, and stay home if you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or have been exposed. Senior and homeschool fencing classes will also resume in the coming weeks. Those of you enrolled in those classes can expect to hear from Coach Kit shortly. Billing for monthly memberships or drop-in fees will also resume; if you have questions about your bill, please email info@lincolnfencing.com.
On another note, remember to renew your USFA memberships! We need all our fencers to have current USFA memberships in order to fence. The $10 membership is sufficient, but we do need all fencers to renew their memberships online. This can be done here: https://www.usafencing.org/membership
We’re very excited to reopen, and we hope this is the first of many exciting events on our horizon this year.
As always, if you have questions or are interested in setting up private lessons, let us know!